

If you run into a technical problem, please email joydemy support.

System requirements

Joy of Cheese is an online course that works in your web browser.

You must have Javascript enabled in your browser, as do about 99.8% of internet users. Please enable Javascript and then the remaining requirements will appear below.

It works tablets (e.g. iPads) and desktop computers. It works on smart phones with a screen at least 320 pixels wide.

Supported browsers are versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge that have been updated within the past two years. If you are using one of these browsers, please update it. We do not support Internet Explorer, which Microsoft encourages users to replace with Edge.


Broadband internet is recommended to play the lesson videos. If you aren't sure if you have broadband, run an internet speed test and check that your download speed is at least 3 Mb/s. There is no upload speed requirement.

If you can play the video below, then you'll be able to see all of the lesson videos. If instead you see the error message "Sorry, Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here," then we can't show our videos in your browser. This is most likely due to an anti-tracker browser extension such as Bitdefender Anti-tracker. Please change your anti-tracker settings to either whitelist or pause protection for, and then reload this page. If you do not have an active anti-tracker and you still get this message, please contact joydemy support.